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League of Legends 18GBP eGift



Product overview

League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game pitting twoteams of powerful champions against each other. Compete with a global community of millions across multiple battlefields in one of the world's most played PC game.

SKU: 07675048617

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  • Terms & Conditions
    This Riot Games ("RG") Virtual Currency (“VC”) card (this “Card”) permits you to purchase VC to the value of the amount printed on the front of this Card for use only at the Riot Games online stores and Riot Games clients listed at With VC you may acquire the use of premium virtual items for your RG account. Your PC must meet certain minimum requirements to play any RG game. This Card is not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents (except where required by law), has no surrender value, and may not be returned. Except as required by law, the value of this Card will not be replaced if lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. Keep your original sales receipt. Unused balances are non transferable. Upon redemption of this Card, you will be required to accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy available at that govern your use of this Card and RG. The full value of this Card is deducted when you redeem the code. Do not scratch off the code until prompted online and do not purchase if already scratched off. All funds associated with this Card are held exclusively by or on behalf of Riot Games Ltd, which with its affiliates make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to this Card or any aspect of the games listed at, and disclaim all warranties express and implied as permitted by law. Your sole available remedy shall be the replacement of this Card. Some jurisdictions do not permit certain disclaimers and these limitations may not apply to you. Riot Games, Ltd. may change any of these terms from time to time without notice. This Card is only redeemable on the European Riot servers. © 2020 Riot Games, Inc. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, TEAMFIGHT TACTICS, LEGENDS OF RUNETERRA, and VALORANT are trademarks, service marks, and/or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.